
Find a Business Idea That Fits You

No more endless searching. Get personalized ideas that align with what you’re good at and where you want to go.

Person thinking of an idea

Introducing an Interactive Way to Find the Right Idea for You

There's tons of things you COULD do, but how do you pick the one that's best for you?

Stop getting stuck. Get clarity.

Database of 100,000+ ideas

We've collected more ideas than you can count. Then used AI to categorize and organize them to help you find what works based on your skills, background and resources.

Swipe the ones you like

A natural, easy to use mobile interface that lets you explore ideas and say which ones you like.

AI agent guides you

Based on the ideas you like, we build further context about your preferences with targeted feedback driven by AI.

Market research

Found some ideas you think are for you? We give you the in depth details about potential market size, demographics and needs.

Help validating

Craft your pitch, learn from your target customers and develop confidence your project will succeed.


Grow with a network of other new business owners that are working on their idea.

Start your business.

Scan through options. Find what's best for you.